Why did we
set up Philia Boxing Gym?
The gist for that : Recently even in Japan the number of appalling juvenile delinquencies and
un imaginable parental abuses to their children has been increasing day
by day.
The frequency rate of these cases is too high
to shy away from , as if we were witnessing the end of
the world.
That’s just because culture, history and
other external elements of human relationships have been collapsing in a value
standard under our own nose, not fictionally.
In other words , once “ human nature” meant the clear-cut mirror of
“soul” or “unexchangeable individuality”, but has got
changed into a petrified mummy in today’s society where we are threatened by a
suggestion of “ productivity” : “ being useful to others
It can be said we are
It shows a fact that we humans are being
destroyed. We will have to pay much for
that. Human needs energy to live on. But the energy has two faces : one is to kill and voraciously eat up ourselves and
the other is to let us lead a life.
Both Sadism and Masochism, which are a representative athlete in modern psychology, are a
parasite nesting at the core of “Soul”. We are yelling for life there. The
parasite has dried up the root of life before we know it. In this morbid area energies never
connect with each other,but thrust into .
A goblin-like master and the humiliated slave
just enjoy a crooked and nominal energy cxchange in a
Sado-Maso pattern.
The word “Kotodama(言霊)” or the spirit of language stands for a heated enthusiasm or a life
force generated only when you share a word with someone.
If your energy faces upright with and smoothly goes to and from those of others,
you can be “gentle “. You can love others.
have your own small “cosmos” or “tragicomedy” in an individualistic
We humans
have both sinister energy possessed by killer and biophilic energy at the same time in the back of our mind,
struggling for appeasement to no purpose.
We try to connect with others, but instead
put a thicker and thicker wall between us and others: the energy infiltrates
deeper and deeper inside into an explosive congestion.
Behind the
beautiful title “peace”, the merciless lurking killer sharpens the fang in order
to wreak havoc on all life-seekers.
There is a mother who confined her own child
of one-year-old and under for as long as one week at a tiny apartment house and
starved him to death while leaving the child alone and fooling around with her
boy friend. The sacrificed child must have been crying continuously to the
bitter end with all his might , just for “ I want to
live” , to someone above all his mother.
We couldn’t respond to the death cry. He
died. We are sure to hear this kind of cry ,all the
time, somewhere.
Various negative phenomena such as shut-ins,
bullying, domestic violences and child abuses have
common with the above mentioned incident of the child at the bottom.
There is one fact lying at the background of
both the accused and the victims that the former and the latter mutually lack
energy exchange with the signal of life being switched off and live in a total
As for the concept of “life”, we dwellers in
this mixed-up society need to take it in a more specific and direct way.
You can associate the image of “life” with the
word “love”, which can be Japanizedly translated for “Omoiyari” or compassion. What does the word “Omoiyari”mean? The
“Omiyari” consists of nothing but 3 elements : responsibility, patience, and concentration
power. The responsibility originally
stands for responding to a question offered by others, the patience for waiting
in trust and the concentration for unselfish pouring.
If you can let those elements put upward
yourselves incessantly like The Trinity does , You
can’t give in any more to energy shutoff filled with death aroma, morbidly
corrupt egoism. You can become just a “human” rather than a good
“human” in character.
We set up Philia
Boxing Gym in accordance with the idea : in which you
can become a person of responsibility polishing up your concentration power through Boxing as a means, and become a
person of patience for the love of your
friends and neighbors as well. We are a
group where all personnel concerned will go out into the world extensively , reaching out to social out-casts, weaker
parties and unluckily unaccepted nonentities, just because of the thirsty of
love and righteousness.
We hope we are a challenging and creating
group for that cause. We pray to God that we can become a hard worker to make a
contribution for above all the bullyings, shut-ins,
and abuses.
By Bae
Rep. for Philia Boxing